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Please read the disclaimer and release of liability. TYPE YOUR NAME BELOW to accept the disclaimer and release of liability. DISCLAIMER: Misfit Mountain Athletics, LLC, and its registered agent Lauren Beihoffer, M.S., is a Certified Running Coach and nutrition Coach with a Masters in Biochemistry, not a registered dietitian, physician, medical doctor, psychologist, clinical psychologist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, exercise physiologist or medical practitioner of any kind.  Misfit Mountain Athletics LLC provides nutrition coaching and personal training/run coaching with the intention of helping healthy individuals understand how they can make changes to their own lifestyle regarding exercise and nutrition. Any advice given to these individuals is taken solely at their own risk and they take full responsibility for any unintended or undesired consequences of following that advice. LIABILITY WAIVER AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK: In consideration of the fitness/running and nutrition coaching services and personal fitness training of Misfit Mountain Athletics LLC, I hereby agree to release and discharge Misfit Mountain Athletics LLC, on behalf of myself, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, personal representative and estate as follows:  I understand that Misfit Mountain Athletics LLC is a Certified Running Coach and Nutrition Coach with a Masters in Biochemistry and not a registered dietitian, physician, medical doctor, psychologist, clinical psychologist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, exercise physiologist or medical practitioner of any kind.  I understand that Misfit Mountain Athletics LLC provides nutrition coaching and fitness training with the intention of helping healthy individuals understand how they can make the changes to their own lifestyle regarding exercise and nutrition. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge I am in good health. I understand that by following any advice, recommendation or suggestion offered by Misfit Mountain Athletics LLC, there is a chance that I might become sick in some way, or even suffer death, and any advice, recommendation or suggestion given to me by Misfit Mountain Athletics LLC is taken at my own risk. I hereby release Misfit Mountain Athletics LLC from any and all liability now and in the future, including but not limited to medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering that may occur, however caused, whether occurring during or after my participation in the program or advice regardless of fault. By typing my name below, I understand this is a digital signature for the above waiver.

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